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Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 # - Tugas 2



“The One Best Friend”
by: Belle

Thanks for being there for me,
through good times and bad times.
I will be on your side even if the the world ends.
When the world is going,
I will be here,
now and until the end.
You’re my Best Friend very best friend.
The one that I look up to.
The one that I run to, when I have a problem.
The one that I talk to.
Your the one best friend that was always there for me.
I wanna thank you for all the things you gave and showed me.


The One Best Friend…

Friendship poems are made by Belle to express his feelings towards someone whom she considered as her best friend. Choice of words used by Belle showed that she is a happy friendly and have one best friend. She considers that all problems can be solved if together. Belle can trust these people because it was only she who could be best friends.
Through Poem About Friendship is, Belle trying to show everyone that she has her best friend and Belle get through everything with him. Poem About Friendship above mayalso reflect the love Belle of the closest people as always there when needed.


Modal Verb
Examples from the Poem
Other Examples
To express the willingness (kemauan). Willingness can used in conditional sentence type 1 or invitation (undangan/ajakan).
1.  I will be on your side even if the the world ends. (Aku akan berada disisimu, bahkan jika dunia berakhir)
2.  I will be here, now and until the end. (Aku akan berada disini, sekarang dan hingga akhir)
1.  She will help you if you want. (Dia akan membantu Anda jika Anda mau)
2.  Will you marry me? (Maukah kamu menikah dengan saya?)
to make the decisions spontaneously / without a plan (simple future tense).
1.  I‘ll get a pen. (Aku akan mendapatkan pena)
2.  I'll give you a flower for you (Saya akan memberimu setangkai bunga)
3.  I'll be there for you. (Aku akan selalu ada untukmu)
4.  I'll be your shelter. (Aku mau jadi tempat bernaungmu)
To make the prediction.
The storm will come tonight. (Badai akan datang malam ini)

Examples from the Poem
Other Examples
Simple Past Tense
Regular Verbs
This tense is used to express an action that is has happened in the past
I wanna thank you for all the things you gave and showed me.
(Aku ingin berterima kasih atas semua hal yang Kau berikan dan tunjukkan padaku)
I finished work, walked to the beach, and found a nice place to swim.
(Aku selesai bekerja, berjalan ke pantai, dan menemukan tempat yang bagus untuk berenang.)
Irregular Verbs
I wanna thank you for all the things you gave and showed me.
(Aku ingin berterima kasih atas semua hal yang Kau berikan dan tunjukkan padaku)
They never went to school, they always skipped class.
(Mereka tidak pernah pergi ke sekolah, mereka selalu melewatkan kelas.)


1. I ______ to your house.

a.    Went
b.    Goes
c.    Gone
d.    Going

2. here will make you being arrested.

a. Hide
b. Hidden
c. Hides
d. Hiding

3. Cats ____ fast.

a. Run
b. Runs
c. Running
d. Ran

4. I have ______ a beautiful rose for her.

a. Bring
b. Bringing
c. Brought
d. Brings

5. She is the best _____.

a. Singing
b. Sings
c. Singer
d. Singers

6. Your glass is empty. …. I get you some more fresh water?

a. Shall
b. Will
c.   Can
d.   Should

7. We …. like to visit that new store some day.

a. Shall
b. Will
c. Can
d. Would

8. You are sick, but you don’t come  hospital to see a doctor.
You …. visit him soon.

a. Would
b. Could
c.   Should
d. Will

9. “Rini is old enough. She …. know better than the others about it.

a. Will
c. Must
d. Can

10. My motorcycle runs out of oil. I ….buy it because I will ride it to the meeting.

a.  Should
b.  Can
c. Must
d. Might

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